How to install: 1. copy everything to your web server. 2. make sure the config/ directory is writable by the webserver 3. navigate to install/install.php 4. fill out the form and submit. 5. delete the install/ directory 6. make sure the data/ directory is writeable by the web server. 7. set up a cron job**: crontab -e insert the following and save: 30 6 * * * wget 'somesecretword' is the password you used during the installation for protecting the update process. For best results, change the run time to 6:30 GMT (consider your server's time zone). **Note: For the automatic updates to work, the webserver must be able to run shell commands (using the system() PHP function) and the mysql client executable must be available (often located at /usr/local/mysql/bin/). If these conditions are not met, then the x_world updates need to be imported into the database manually (always DUMP the x_world table first, then import the travian database dump downloaded from - replace the domain and subdomain with the actual travian server you are playing.)